Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I want to share this quote from Daily Inspiration: "Don't write your name on sand, waves will wash it away. Don't write your name in sky, wind may blow it away. Write your name in hearts of people you come in touch with. That's where it will stay." Unknown Some dream of their fifteen minutes of fame, others wish to see their name in lights, while others would settle for seeing their name in print. Many desire to be remembered. How long your name will be remembered is determined by how much you care for others. Being loved and cared for by others cements a memory of compassion and love that few forget. Because of their absence, those names become conspicuous. Those are the names that are written on our hearts. _________________________________ Get the Simple BIBLE App Free! SUPPORT OUR MISSION & GET OUR BIBLE VERSE WALLPAPER (Tap to Download Now) Get this Free Daily Inspiration App:

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