Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jilted Lover Kills Couple, Bride’s Mother On Wedding Day In Delta

A man who was apparently angry after
being ditched by his girlfriend had
caused serious chaos in the Ukala
community of Delta State on Saturday,
January 31, 2015 when he stormed the
wedding venue of his ex-girlfriend, and
shot the couple to death.
He went further to shoot sporadically at
the guests who were gathered to witness
the event and eventually killed the
bride’s mother in the process. The
venue of the ill-fated wedding, which
was also to serve as reception for the
guests, was laid waste when trouble
started immediately after the couple’s
first dance.
The bride who was simply identified as
Stephany, was a graduate of Office
Management and Technology from one
of the polytechnics in the state.
It was learnt that she had walked up to
her ex-boyfriend simply identified as
Teddy to inform him that she was tired
of their relationship which had lasted
for eight years without leading them to
the altar.
Some sources in the know disclosed that
her intention was to make Teddy
propose to marry her with immediate
effect since they had both secured jobs.
After receiving the news, Teddy was
said to have started nurturing plans to
finally settle down with her.
Things took new turns however, when
Stephany’s mum suddenly appeared
with a United Kingdom-based
businessman who arrived Nigeria in
December 2014 and introduced him to
The deceased bride’s mum told her that
the unnamed United Kingdom man was
in dire need of a wife and Stephany
who was desperate to settle down
welcomed the idea since virtually all her
mates were married.
They started plans to tie the knot as
soon as practicable without any
knowledge of the unforeseen danger
Unfortunately they could not live to tell
the story of their big day as the bride’s
angry ex-lover decided to nip the
relationship in the bud by sniffing life
out of them halfway into their wedding

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