Tuesday, March 3, 2015

750 APC women defect to PDP in Sokoto state

No fewer than 750 women from the All
Progressives party from the 23 local
governments in Sokoto State on Tuesday
defected to the Peoples Democratic Party.
The decampees, led by Luba Dubai, an APC
chieftain, were received by the state Chairman’s
wife, Sa’adiya Milgoma, at the PDP women rally
in Sokoto on Tuesday.
“The new entrants will be treated equally and
fairly, and we should all work to ensure the
success of the party at the forthcoming polls at
all levels,’’ Ms. Milgoma said.
A former Minister of Women Affairs, Maryam
Chiroma, appealed to Nigerians, especially
women not to be deceived, saying `”the re-
election of Jonathan will ensure the continuation
of his transformation agenda.
Ms. Chiroma, who was also PDP’s former
National Woman Leader, said, “the Nigerian
women should use their majority population and
voting power to re-elect Jonathan”.
In her remark, Sarah Jubril, the Special Adviser
to President Jonathan on Ethics, said the
president had treated the North-West fairly and
deserved to be re-elected.
A member of the party’s Board of Trustees, Rabi
Ibrahim, said “Jonathan is the first gender-
friendly president Nigeria has ever had since
“Mrs Jonathan cares about the Nigerian woman
and she is passionate about improving the lives
of the Nigerian children and other vulnerable
groups,’’ Ibrahim said.
The Special Assistant to Jonathan on Women
Empowerment, Ramatu Bala, also urged the
women to vote for Jonathan.
Ms. Bala, a former National President of National
Council for Women Society, said Mr. Jonathan’s
re-election would ensure the sustenance of
peace, unity and national cohesion.
The wives of the Deputy Governor, PDP
gubernatorial candidate and Woman Leader, Kulu
Shagari, A’ishatu Wali and Kulu Rabah, promised
that women would vote for the party’s
candidates at all levels.
Source: NAN

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