Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mummy Cried: Nsukka Boy’s Presidential Scholarship Story from London University

I gained admission to study Computer Science at
the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2007 and by
God’s grace, graduated in 2011 with First Class
Honours. It was a challenging experience but
helped me become the man I am today.
Last year, I left Nigeria for the first time – to
begin my Masters of Science (MSc) program in
Information Security at the University College,
London (UCL). It wasn’t because my parents
had become overnight millionaires but because I
was one of two hundred and five (205) graduate
students to benefit from the PRESSID
(Presidential Scholarship Scheme for Innovation
and Development) awardees in 2014.
A senior lecturer at the university informed me
about it but I felt it was one of those 419 wayo-
wayo scholarship schemes that has become a
norm in Universities. Besides, I did not expect
the final selection process to be credible. In
previous regimes, such things are only awarded
to people who are related to a prominent person
in the government. Somehow I decided to try my
luck and apply but even when I was going for the
final test phase in Abuja, a part of me felt I was
wasting my time.
I’m here in London, but neither the cold nor the
fact that I am again the class representative as I
was throughout my undergraduate days has
made me fully believe that I am not in
Hardwork, determination and resilience helped
me graduate with first class honours from the
university. My classmates who fondly nicknamed
me ‘Modulus’ and other schoolmates I met form
part of my network of friends today, as do some
of my lecturers. There is no point in criticizing
the academic structure of most tertiary
institutions in Nigeria because the more we
complain and point fingers, the more time we
give for the system to decay. Personally, I have
decided to be part of the needed change and will
become a lecturer when I return.
It is imperative to note that this would not have
been possible without God and the Goodluck
Jonathan administration that initiated this
scheme in 2012. I cannot thank you enough, Mr.
President especially for lifting a burden from my
parents’ shoulders and for fulfilling the dream of
a nobody.

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