Friday, January 30, 2015

A brithday wishes to self by omoreal vivin Ambrose

It's been an emotional year for me and also an amazing one too .They say that you never know the exact minute your life has changed that circumstances and situations happens and one day you wake up and you just feel differently .
I 'm so thankful to God for that which was taken away has been replaced, my 'Good' plans replaced with God's 'Best' plans for me! And in all things I know there's indeed the almighty one who is always there for me despite how hard things may get and loves me unconditionally so I say to him THANK YOU LORD much gratitude !
Note to self today : my Dear lovely self ,enjoy each day that you are given ,sometimes a praise  or restart is necessary. It might be hard but don't ever feel guilty about changing for the better ,keep in mind your light may not warm everyone 's soul and it may leave some blinded by your truth....Happiness isn't getting all you want ,its enjoying all you have ,start every day with a new Hope, leave bad memories behind ,speak positively into your life ,speak your joy into existence . Have faith for a better tomorrow ..............with God by my side am unstoppable ....cheers to another year seriously when I look back from where I started I can boldly conclude that 'my life has a definition of God's Grace' ...... Happy birthday to myself.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Barring last minute changes, there are strong
indications that Nigeria’s controversial former
Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar may be
heading back to the ruling Peoples’ Democratic
Atiku disclosed this through one of his political
aides, Alhaji Mammudu Song in Yola during a
Radio interview.
Our correspondent monitored Mammudu in a live
Hausa Radio political programme presented by
Shekarau Yerima in Radio Gotel “Demokradiya 'a
Alhaji Song called all the supporters and loyalist
to the Turakin Adamawa to shun any political
activities of the APC in the state on grounds of
injustice and lack of respect for Atiku and indeed
the good people of Adamawa state.
He also accused the Bindow's faction of forming
a team with the sycophants that caused and
spoiled Nyako's government that led to his
downfall at the detriment of Adamawa people.
“We shall not vote for APC because the Party
does not value our contributions in the state and
the country, and the certainty of good
governance in Adamawa is just a trial by error
because of the kind of people that dictate and
pilot the affairs of the party's gubernatorial
campaigns; it shows a bad composition of
government if APC would form government.
He argued that the APC in Adamawa is parading
an unpopular candidate that cannot deliver any
good dividend of democracy to the people of the
The Agenda investigations revealed that the
former Vice president has held series of meetings
with the PDP Gubernatorial candidate in the
State, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu on how to support
him during the election and has already reached
out to the National leadership of the party for
possible waivers to return to the Umbrella

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Presidential Election: Buhari May be Disqualified, As Abuja Lawyer Goes

The controversy over General Muhamed Buhari’s
certificate has taken a new dimension, as an Abuja
Lawyer, Mr. Chike Okafor has approached the
Federal High Court to disqualify General Buhari
from contesting the 2015 Presidential Elections.
The case is Suit No. FHC/ABJ/CS/01/2015. It is
based on Section 131 of the Constitution which
prescribes a minimum qualification for nomination
to participate in Presidential Elections and Section
31 of the Electoral Act that stipulates all
Presidential Candidates to depose an Affidavit in
proof of compliance with constitutional requirement
to be President of Nigeria.
The Claimant claims that General Buhari failed to
prove that he has the minimum educational
qualification to run for President. The Claimant
further claims that General Buhari’s Affidavit that
he possesses the West African School Leaving
Certificate (WASC) are false, as not only did he
not attach it to his Nomination Form, as
compulsorily required, but his claim that the
Certificates are in the custody of the Military has
been denied by the Director of Army Public
Relations, Brigadier General Olajide Laleye.
Mr. Okafor has requested the Federal High Court to
disqualify General Buhari from contesting at the
2015 General Elections. This is provided by Section
31(5) of the Electoral Act that allows a person that
has reasonable grounds to believe that false
information has been given by a candidate in his
Affidavit or document submitted to INEC, in
support of his Nomination Form, to approach the
Court for the candidate to be disqualified.
Chukwunweike Okafor Esq.
For Emerald Attorneys & Solicitors

Monday, January 26, 2015

Photos: Fire ravages two-storey building in Aguda

Fire broke out this morning at about 3.22am in
the Aguda, Surulere area of Lagos. The fire
ravaged a two-storey building, and destroyed
properties worth millions of Naira.
According to an eyewitness report, fire services
responded to the emergency call and were able
to put out the fire. Thankfully, no life was lost.
More pics and a chilling story after the cut..

President Jonathan Disrespected My Office By Taking Over Stadium – Amaechi -

The Rivers State Governor, Mr. Rotimi Amaechi,
has said that contrary to President Goodluck
Jonathan’s claim, the President is not interested
in a free and fair election.
Amaechi, who was reacting to soldiers’
occupation of the Adokiye Amiesimaka Stadium
ahead of the Jonathan’s political campaign in
the state on Wednesday, said the action of the
President was an indication that he (Jonathan)
was opposed to democratic norms.
The governor, who spoke in Government House
in Port Harcourt on Sunday, explained that it
was wrong for President Jonathan to order
soldiers to take over the state-owned stadium,
even when approval was not given by the state
He argued that a President should have
respected the position of the state government
in an ideal federation, particularly after telling
the Peoples Democratic Party to use the
Liberation Stadium.
Amaechi said, “Why is the President insisting on
using the Adokiye Amiesamaka Stadium after we
have told the PDP that work is currently going
on there? It is unfortunate that the President is
preaching one thing and doing another thing.
“If the President is truly interested in the
conduct of a free and fair election, why did he
order armed soldiers to forcefully take over a
state government-owned facility when it was
not given to him or the PDP?
“Why should a President elected in a democratic
election, serving under a democratic
dispensation order soldiers to take over a state-
owned stadium? In an ideal federation, the
President is supposed to respect our position,
essentially after we asked them to use the
Liberation Stadium at Elekahia, in Port Harcourt
In a related development, the state PDP
Chairman, Mr. Felix Obuah, confirmed the party’s
readiness to use the Adokiye Amiesamaka
Stadium on Wednesday.
Obuah said in a statement signed by his Special
Adviser, Media, Mr. Jerry Needam, that the
reason given by Amaechi on why he refused the
party’s request to use the stadium was
The state PDP chairman argued that the
stadium was built with state funds, maintaining
that the facility was only conceptualised when
Amaechi was a member of the PDP.
He, however, challenged the governor to name
any capital project that he implemented since he
defected to the APC in November 2013.
Obuah told members and supporters of the PDP
to turn out in their large number to welcome the
presidential campaign train in continuation of
President Jonathan’s bid to earn a second term.
Source: PunchNg

Actress cossy - 'why i love Buhari' (Read more)

Hmmmmmmm......what's your say on this ...Do you think she is saying the truth?

Muna obiekwe burial arrangement Announced

If you are a fan, this is the time to pay your last
respect for him..
Candle night; February 1st 2015. Meeting point at
Marsha, Roundabout, Surulere by 4pm. Procession
from there to Ojez stadium. Dress code - white -
but Tshirts will be provided at the venue.
Burial: 3rd February at Umudioka in Anambra
Announcer: Ibinabo Fiberesima AGN President.

Peter Okoye, Lola and their kids take a boat ride

What a wonderful family .........Nice one bros!!!!

Michika in Adamawa state under attack now by BH

Boko Haram members are currently attacking
Michika in Michika local government area of
Adamawa state. According to eye-witnesses, the
sect members arrived at about 2 this afternoon
and immediately started killing people and
burning down houses. More details later...

And the Winner is…Miss Colombia Wins Miss Universe 2014 | Miss Nigeria Wins ‘Miss Congeniality Universe’(see photos)

After a rigorous competition with 88 girls from
around the world, Miss Universe 2014 has
emerged and it is 22-year-old Paulina Vega , Miss
The grand finale of the Miss Universe competition
was concluded a few hours ago at the FIU Arena
in Miami, Florida.
The top 15 contestants were Miss Philippines,
Miss Netherlands, Miss Colombia, Miss Ukraine,
Miss Venezuela, Miss Australia, Miss Argentina,
Miss Jamaica, Miss USA, Miss France, Miss
Indonesia, Miss India, Miss Italy, Miss Brazil and
Miss Spain.
Top 5 – Miss Jamaica
Top 5 – Miss Netherlands
Top 5 – Miss Colombia
Top 5 – Miss Ukraine
Top 5 – Miss USA
Top 5
Miss Indonesia Elvira Devinamira was the world’s
pick for Best National Costume at the 2014 Miss
Universe pageant. The gorgeous lady was
awarded the honor for her breathtaking costume
inspired by a Buddhist temple in her home
Miss Indonesia
Miss Indonesia
The top five costumes were Miss Germany, Miss
India, Miss Indonesia, Miss Canada and Miss
Best National Costume was voted for on Twitter.
Other winners of the night include:
Miss Congeniality Universe – Miss Nigeria
Miss Photogenic Universe – Miss Puerto Rico
Photo Credit : Getty Images/Alexander Tamargo

Toyin Aimakhu and Husband Release Statement Addressing Separation Rumours: For Every Marriage There are Moments of Storm, That Was Ours

Nollywood stars Toyin Aimakhu and Adeniyi
Johnson have been in the media for the past two
days with regards to their marriage as rumours
made the round of a shaky relationship and a
possible separation.
When BN reached out to Toyin Aimakhu she
mentioned that she and her husband would be
formally making a statement soon and now the
couple has released it.
The statement reads:
With the heart of appreciation and
sincerity we write: There’s no fire
without smoke.. for every marriage
and journey there are moments of
storm, that was our stormy and
trying times. The recent event
obviously made us know how
important our marriage is and that
a lot of lives and destiny are
attached to ours, we never knew
the weight our marriage carried
until now, we discovered a lot of
destiny and glory hangs on our
own… may we not let GOD and you
down…. To the bloggers who
blogged we appreciate you, u might
think you wrote a news but it
turned out to restored our
happiness and home back so to all
the bloggers we say a big thank
you. We’ve learnt our lessons,
corrected our mistakes and choose
to move on. This event made us
know who our friends and well
wishers are… we are short of words
and filled with gratitude 1st to our
parents, our spiritual parents,
adopted parents, friends, colleagues
and fanssssss…OMG!!! Our fans you
guys are the best… for your calls,
text messages, mails, pings,
whatsapp messages, facebook
comments and messages…. we love
you all… the bible says when we
pass through fire it won’t burn us
and through water it won’t drown
us and whenever we pass through
storms it will not over power us
(isaiah 43:2-3). may God still all
storms in our lives and make
everyone happy…. whatever you
hear from us henceforth shall be
goodnews… we wish you all the
best and love you all… ADENIYI

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jonathan Has No Record Of Good Governance – Soludo | Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)

A former governor of the Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN), Prof Charles Soludo, has
advised the presidential flag bearer of the
ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),
President Goodluck Jonathan, to stop
campaigning about the record of the
outgoing government, saying it has no
testimonial to parade.
Soludo, a former governorship candidate
of the party in Anambra State, gave this
position in a document entitled ‘Buhari vs
Jonathan: Beyond election’, and made
available to LEADERSHIP newspaper.
The document, which emphasized the
technocrat-cum-politician’s passion for
the country and concern about the
forthcoming general election, stressed the
need for the country to improve on its
economy especially considering the
dwindling price of crude oil in the
international market, among other
economic challenges.
He said, “My advice to President
Jonathan and his handlers is to stop
wasting their time trying to campaign on
his job record. Those who have decided
to vote for him will not do so because he
has taken Nigeria to the moon. His record
on the economy is a clear ‘F’ grade.
“As one reviews the laundry list of micro
interventions the government calls its
achievements, one wonders whether such
list is all that the government could
deliver with an unprecedented oil boom
and an unprecedented public debt
accumulation. I can clearly see why
reasonable people are worried.
“Everywhere else in the world, government
performance on the economy is measured
by some outcome variables such as:
income (GDP growth rate), stability of
prices (inflation and exchange rate),
unemployment rate, poverty rate, etc.
“On all these scores, this government has
performed worse than its immediate
predecessor– Obasanjo regime. If we
appropriately adjust for oil income and
debt, then this government is the worst in
our history on the economy. All statistics
are from the National Bureau of
While comparing Jonathan’s
administration to that of former President
Olusegun Obasanjo where he (Soludo)
served, he noted that “despite presiding
over the biggest oil boom in our history, it
(present administration) has not added
one percentage point to the growth rate
of GDP compared to the Obasanjo regime
especially the 2003- 07 period. Obasanjo
met GDP growth rate at 2% but averaged
7% within 2003- 07.
“ The current government has been stuck
at 6% despite an unprecedented oil boom.
Income (GDP) growth has actually
performed worse, and poverty escalated.
This is the only government in our history
where rapidly increasing government
expenditure was associated with
increasing poverty”.
While assessing the economic and
development policies of the two major
political parties in the February election,
the ruling PDP and the All Progressives
Congress (APC), he declared that “So far,
neither the APC nor the PDP has a
credible programme for employment and
poverty reduction”.
“The APC promises to create 20,000 jobs
per state in the first year, totalling a mere
720,000 jobs. This sounds like a quota
system and for a country where the new
entrants into the labour market per
annum exceed two million. If it was
intended as a joke, APC must please get
“On the other hand, President Jonathan
targets two million jobs per annum but
his strategy for doing so is a Job Board—
another committee of sort. Sorry, Mr.
President, a Job Board is not a strategy.
The principal job Nigerians hired you to
do for them is to create jobs for them
too. You cannot outsource that job, Sir.
Creating 3 million jobs per annum under
the unfolding crisis would task our
creativity and audacity to the limits”.

(See photos) what a fatal Accident

Peace mass transit just had a fatal accident now along Enugu Expressway ....many fear dead (see photos)

Amber Rose confirms coming to Lagos for D'banj's show

Like seriously !!!!! Even on my birthday

Maiduguri under serious Boko Haram attack this morning

Boko Haram terrorists, in the early hours of this
morning, attacked residents of some
communities in Maiduguri. The Defence HQ
tweeted that troops are repelling the attack and
have imposed curfew on Maiduguri with
immediate effect to help fight the insurgents

Photos from 'Omotola at 20' dinner event in Abuja

Congrats to omotola ......

"I was so scared to let the world know I was pregnant for a younger man" Toyin Lawani shares moving story

She shared this on instagram this afternoon
I remember when I got pregnant I was so
scared to let the world know, No 1 had a
clue until they saw me on the runway at
Africa fashion week London,was almost
8months then,I used to worry Alot abt what
people would say if i had a baby for
someone younger, My Boo would Beg me
endlessly and say my love care not I'm by
your side, His parents where so Amazing
and supportive,i was so shocked cause I
didn't expect that kind of love and support,
I almost didn't want to go through with it,
severally I would change my mind,I will sit
in d hospital thinking endlessly should I or
should I not.
my doc will say Toyin its just 9months ,A
positive voice constantly kept telling me My love
when you meet this bundle of joy in your
stomach you will not care ....And Alot of
negative voices kept begging me to take it out
that it was a bad idea,Well Imagine if I had
listened to the world or if I was too scared to
carry on cause of what people will say?...I would
have missed out on this Beautiful Blessing....My
son is the most handsome Boy ever I've ever
seen and so is my Beautiful daughter...
Happy Sunday yall Don't let voices of others
make you kill your Blessings,Believe in Yourself
and ask God for help cause he's the only man
that can get you there....Too many kill Joy in
this so called Nigeria but im sorry to burst your
bubble,i dont Give a Shit about wht society
think ,i came to this world Alone and im Going
Alone,Live your life to the fullest cause oneday
you will look back and realize u missed out on
all the things u could have done for urself ,just
because you cared too much about wht society
would say or Think abt u....Anytime I feel down I
look at my kids @lilatmfashionista and
@lordmaine1 and all I do is Smile..went thru
Alot but through it all only one person stood by
me @lordtrigg Thanks for this Blessing...Even my
so called Bestfriend told me ah toyin if u leave ur
ex u will suffer oo and i told her hey dear dont
forget i have my talent and handwork ,i will just
suffer for a while,I thank God that I don't look
like what I've been tru..I Thank God for his
continous Blessings on my life and family

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Actress broke up with hubby after 2yrs

About two years after they got married, actress
Toyin Aimakhu's marriage to actor Adeniyi
Johnson has crashed. Though Toyin is yet to
publicly say anything about the crash of her
marriage, she removed her 'I love my husband,
no matter what' on her instagram status. Niyi
also changed his Facebook status to separated.
When her followers wrote hurtful things to Toyin
about her marriage issues, she told them to walk
in her shoes before judging. Her friends have
been telling her to take heart and try and work
on her marriage.
There are reports that infidelity played a role in
the break up. Hopefully, they work things out.
They were such a good looking couple.

Niger Delta militants meet in Yenagoa, threaten war should Jonathan lose presidential election

Prominent Niger Delta
militants have vowed to
ensure that President
Goodluck Jonathan wins the
February 14 presidential
Mr. Jonathan is of the Ijaw
ethnic stock, and the only
member of a minority tribe
from the South to have ever
governed Nigeria.
The former militants, who
said any attempt to dethrone
the President would be seen
as a direct attack on the Ijaw
nation, threatened to
unleash violence on the
country and take back Niger
Delta oil should Mr.
Jonathan lose re-election.
According to them the
President’s victory in the
election is not negotiable.
The former militant leaders
took the position Friday in
Government House,
Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State
capital, at an enlarged
meeting that was attended
by all the former militant
leaders and their followers
across the Niger Delta
Among those in attendance
were Mujahid Dokubo-Asari,
leader, Niger Delta Peoples
Volunteer Force; Victor Ben
Ebikabowei, aka, Boy Loaf;
and Government
Ekpudomenowei, aka,
Also in attendance were the
Special Adviser to the
President on Niger Delta
Affairs, and chairman of
Amnesty Implementation
Committee, Kingsley Kuku;
Bayelsa state Governor,
Seriake Dickson and his
deputy; President General of
Ijaw Youth Council, Udengs
Eradiri; among others.
Addressing the meeting,
Dokubo-Asari deplored the alleged
intimidation being meted to the people
of Ijaw stock in Nigeria, saying the
people cannot take it any longer.
”For every Goliath, God created a David.
For every Pharoah, there is a Moses.
“We are going to war. Everyone of you
should go and fortify yourself,’’ he said.
He advised those at the meeting to be
ready for the battle ahead and declared
that Mr. Jonathan would win reelection.
Mr. Dokubo-Asari, who condemned the
attack on Jonathan in the north in the
ongoing presidential campaigns,
maintained that the survival of the Ijaw
nation rests in the hands of the militants
gathered at the meeting.
On his part, Boyloaf condemned the
attack on President Jonathan in the
north, saying nobody has the monopoly
of violence.
He said there is nothing like one Nigeria,
pointing out that oil is the only thing
binding Nigeria’s diverse nationalities
While maintaining that President
Jonathan would win the election, he
however said if the north takes the
power away from Mr. Jonathan, the
people of the Niger Delta region would
take their oil back.
He stressed the need for oneness of
purpose among the people, urging them
to keep their grudges aside and face the
present challenges facing the Ijaw nation
with solidarity.
”Keep grudges and sentiments apart. We
are ready to match them bumper to
bumper,” Boyloaf said.
In his remark, Governor Dickson thanked
the former militant leaders for their
resolve to back the re-election of
President Jonathan with greater vigour
and assured them that he would relate
their position to the President.
He urged them to resist the temptation of
being recruited by the opposition to
destabilize the state.
The governor also charged them to shun
propaganda and blackmail.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Postpone next month's elections - NSA Dasuki tells INEC

National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, has
called on the Independent National Electoral
Commission to postpone next month's general
election so that the commission can completely
distribute the Permanent voters card to
prospective voters.
Dasuki gave this advice while speaking at
London think-tank Chatham House today
January 22nd. He said a postponement within
the three months allowed by the law would be a
good idea so that all issues bordering on the
distribution of permanent voters card as well as
elections holding in some part of North eastern
Nigeria would be adequately addressed.

The Internet Will Disappear - Says Google Exec...

8:51 AM
The Internet Will Disappear -
Says Google Exec...
Google's executive chairman Eric
Schmidt has predicted the end of the
Internet .
Speaking at the World Economic Forum
in Davos,  Switzerland, he was asked for
his prediction on the future of the Web.
He explained, according to Hollywood
'I will answer very simply that the
Internet will disappear,''There will be
so many IP addresses…so many devices,
sensors, things that you are wearing,
things that you are interacting with that
you won't even sense it,'
'It will be part of your presence all the
time.'Imagine you walk into a room,
and the room is dynamic.'And with
your permission and all of that, you are
interacting with the things going on in
the room.'A highly personalized, highly
interactive and very, very interesting
world emerges.'
On millions losing jobs,he said
'It's the same thing that happened when
people stopped farming and started
using tractors.'They find new skills and
services.'So while there is an enormous
assumption that this time it's different.

How we built mansions,multi- million naira ventures from N100m robbery

The Lagos State Police Command has
arrested eight suspected members of a
trans-border robbery gang, among them
a 59-year-old man, who confessed to
have carried out robbery operations in
Benin Republic, Mali, among other
countries within West Africa. The gang’s
recent operation was reportedly carried
out in a bank in Porto Novo, Benin
Republic, where over N100 million was
carted away.
Recovered from the suspects were two
AK-47 rifles, 11 AK-47 loaded magazines
and their operational vehicle, a Toyota
Sienna bus, which has an inbuilt
compartment where weapons are kept.
Briefing newsmen on the arrest
yesterday, Lagos State Police
Commissioner, Kayode Aderanti, said:
“On December 15, 2014, at
about11:30p.m., I received information
about some deadly trans-border armed
robbers in Iba, Festac and Igando areas
and immediately directed the Officer
in-Charge of the Special Anti-Robbery
Squad, Abba Kyari, to go after them.
“Thereafter, two SARS decoy teams, led
by Kyari, stormed the robbers’ hideout
at Victory Estate, Iba, along Lasu-Igando
Road, where Samuel Igbi, 59, Anthony
Umeh, 38, were arrested.
“Their confessions led to the arrest of
the following gang members: Chineye
David, 29; Uchenna Eze, 35; Victor
Anamalechi, 45; Ifeanacho Igwe, 35;
Desmond Obinna, 32, and Nnamdi John,
“John is the armourer and gang leader,
from whom the operational vehicle,
with number plate KSF876CU and two
AK-47 rifles with serial numbers
3610142 and UR4341, hidden in a
specially constructed compartment
underneath the vehicle, were recovered.
“The suspects confessed to several
robberies, including a bank robbery in
Porto Novo, Benin Republic; a filling
station and a bureau de change in Mali;
attempted robbery of UBA Shagamu
Road, Ikorodu; several robberies in Port
Harcourt and Kano.
“The biggest of them all is the N100
million successful robbery at Alakija
area of Lagos, from which John built a
mansion at Igando area of Lagos.
“Igwe also built a duplex in his village
in Onicha council of Ebonyi State”
Parading the suspects before newsmen,
suspected leader of the gang, John, a
trader at the popular Alaba
International Market, narrated how the
Porto Novo, Benin Republic bank
operation was carried out.He said:
“We went to Benin Republic in our
operational space bus at night, after
receiving information from one of our
members, Onyema.
“We entered through the back and tied
the two security guards that were asleep
with strings. Thereafter, we located the
vault and collected as much money as
we could lay our hands on before
leaving the place. We did not kill
anybody.At the end of the operation, I
got N7 million; Victor got N7 million;
Onyeka, N3 million; Igwe, N3 million. I
used part of my share to buy a Toyota
Corolla car and invested the remaining
in my music instrument business.
“I have participated in several robberies
since I joined the gang in 2011. In one
of the operations at a filling station in
Mali, I got N18 million. I handled one of
the guns, but have not killed anyone.We
do not shoot during operations outside
the country because police do not patrol
at night,” said the secondary school
My specialty are vaults—Victor
Another suspect, Victor, told journalists
that his role was to open vaults during
operations, boasting that there was no
vault too hard for him to open.
He said:
“Anytime we went on operation, my
role is to open the vaults. I use a special
metal to open the lock of the vault, even
if it had special codes.I bought three
vehicles from the loots; two for me and
one for my wife.”
He lamented that if he knew he would
meet his waterloo, he would not have
gone to meet one of the gang’s members
at Apple Junction in Festac Town.
Fifty-nine years old Samuel Igbi, who
initially claimed he had nothing to do
with the other suspects, later confessed
that his house was used as a base for
sharing loots at the end of every
He added that he was usually given
between N20,000 and N50,000.
On his part, Ifeanacho Igwe said he
used part of his loot to buy three trucks,
which were currently working for him.
The CP said the suspects would be
charged to court, when strike is called
off, warning criminals to stay away
from Lagos, or suffer same fate.

Why I killed Married Lover I met on Badoo-Port Harcourt based lady confesses

28-year-old Okadigbo is in police net for
killing her married lover she met on
social networking site, Badoo..
She met the deceased who is from Ondo
State on the site in 2013 and they kicked
off a relationship without knowing he
was a married man and had hopes of
getting married to him till she found out
that he was already taken and in a fit of
jealousy, organized his murder.
Her lover,Bankole Charle,an oil worker
with Halliburton Nigeria Limited,
Bankole Charles, must have thought he
was playing with an ordinary woman
when he met Loretta Odikagbo..Little
did he know that the affair would end
his life .
It all started when she found out that
Charles was married and when she
confronted him, he owned up to it but
promised to buy her a car as
compensation but when he failed to
fulfil his promise, Okadigbo enlisted the
help of one Ime Francis Moses, and
another man who is still at large and
stormed his Woji, Port Harcourt, Rivers
State residence, and ended his life.
Odikagbo, an Ordinary National
Diploma holder in Marketing from the
River State Polytechnic (RIVPOLY), and
Moses, a university drop out, are now
languishing in the cells of the State
Criminal Investigation Department
(SCID), after they were arrested
following the murder of Charles.
The SCID team traced Odikagbo to the
residence of her other boyfriend whom
she was putting up with at
Rumukpokwu, Obio/Akpor Local
Government Area on December 10, last
Odikagbo confessed to her crime:
"I was arrested over the death of
my boyfriend, late Charles Bankole.
I conspired with my friend and
took my in-law to his house to
harass him so I could get some
money from him, which led to his
death, but I was not there when he
I was at the Automated Teller
Machine (ATM). There is a third
person that can tell the story of how
he died but unfortunately, he has
not been arrested. So, he is not here
now. This story can’t be complete if
the third person is not arrested.
I am 28 years. I met Bankole on the
internet. I initially did not know
that Bankole was married; overtime
I discovered. He actually promised
to settle things with me. He talked
about buying a car. When I hinted
this to my in-law (Ime), he said he
had a way to help me get what I
wanted from him and I conceded to
the idea.
On the agreed day, I moved into
Bankole’s house and waited for them
there. He came with another of his
friend. I opened the door for them.
They came in.His junior started tying
Bankole up. Ime was holding a torch
which they came with because this
happened in the night and there was no
electricity supply and it was raining
At a point, I decided to go to the
ATM with his (Bankole’s) card to
withdraw some money from his
bank account. One of the two men
decided to go with me. So, my in-
law (Ime) was left behind with
Bankole who was still alive when
we left.
He (Ime) later met me at the ATM
point to get some money from me.
He informed me that he called a
taxi driver to carry some things
from Bankole’s house. I told him
that I was going because it was
already late at night.
I was arrested on December 10,
brought here (at the SCID), and
showed picture of lifeless body of
Bankole. I don’t know who killed
him. The relationship lasted for
over a year. I am not so certain
because we related a long time on
the Internet before we met in real
On her reaction that the late man was
married, she said:
"I was not actually angry, but he
did not just tell me he was married.
We never discussed marriage.
At a point, we were serious with the
relationship but when I discovered
his marital status, I was
disappointed and decided to pull
out to continue with my life but he
insisted on buying me a car instead
to calm me down. That was what
happened.I feel so terrible and
primitive. I am guilty of the crime.
Bankole was my first Internet
boyfriend; I am not used to meeting
people on the Internet or Facebook.
I blame my action on hanging out
with wrong friends."
But the Eket-born Ime gave a different
account on how Charles died, making it
clear that it was Loretta that actually
killed him.Hear his account:
"Loretta called and informed me
that her boyfriend owed her some
money, which he was supposed to
use and settle her out of their
broken relationship but he was
turning her up and down.
I promised to help her get the
money out from the man. On the
day agreed, she called me and
picked me up at my street junction,
from where we proceeded to pick
another boy she had earlier called
for the job, but the boy came and
declined going with us.
On our way out from the boy’s
junction, we met another boy who I
know that loads taxi at the junction
there. I called him and she
explained to him what she wanted
to do that night; he agreed to go
with us.
When we got to the man’s house, she
went in while we stood under the
staircase of the one-storey building he
shared with other occupants, waiting
for her instructions. I was holding a
torch light which she gave me money to
buy and a holding a car window
winder, which looked like a gun, while
the boy was holding a rope and
cellotape she brought.After a while, she
came and opened the door for us. We
got in through the kitchen, where we
stood before she called us to come to the
bedroom where she was with the man.
When we stepped into the room, I
pointed the torch light on the man
and told him that he befriended our
sister for such a period of time, and
pushed her out empty and without
shelter, no settlement.
The man pleaded that we should
wait, that he was going to settle her.
At that point, she started to slap the
man all over his face and used the
tape to tape his mouth, after which
the other boy tied his legs and
It was then she asked the man for his
ATM card and pin; she got them and
went to the ATM point with the boy,
while I was left with the man in case the
pin failed. While they left for the ATM,
they carried the man’s phone and
After a while, she came back to me
at the man’s house. I asked her to
come let us go, she said, ‘no’, that
the man knows her very well, that
if we should leave him at this
junction, he will definitely come
after her, and that when he gets
her, she will mention my name. She
asked if I will like to be arrested, I
said ‘no’.
She now went to the man’s kitchen
and brought polythene bag which
she wore on the man’s head and sat
on it. As the man was struggling, I
held his head until the man was
She gave me N28, 000 only. I feel
very guilty for the action."
Culled from The Nation

Thursday, January 22, 2015

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Unknown Gunmen, kill 9, in Taraba State

No fewer than nine persons
have been killed in the early
hours of yesterday when
unknown gunmen attacked
some residents of Kente
village in Wukari local
government area of Taraba
A resident of Kente village,
Wahaba Agyo, who spoke to
the newsmen said those that
were killed were working on
their farm at the outskirt of
Kente village when
the gunmen attacked them. He
added that since the incident
occurred, four persons who
left their home to their farm
had not returned.
“As i am speaking with you,
four of our people are missing.
We have been looking for them
and we don’t know where they
are” the resident said.
Also, some of the residents of
the community who spoke to
our correspondent said the
attack has caused mass
exodus of people from the
It was also gathered that the
attackers have killed over 100
persons from last year till this
When contacted, the Taraba
State Police Public Relations
Officer, ASP Joseph, who
confirmed the attack to the
reporters said it was only
four persons that were killed
by the attackers.
He further confirmed that
four persons who left their
homes to their farms are
currently missing.
“Although, after the attack by
the gunmen, eight people were
recorded missing. It was when
our men went on search that
they discovered the four dead
bodies. As i am talking with
you, they are still searching
for the other four persons
that are currently missing,”
Kwaji said.

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