Friday, January 30, 2015

A brithday wishes to self by omoreal vivin Ambrose

It's been an emotional year for me and also an amazing one too .They say that you never know the exact minute your life has changed that circumstances and situations happens and one day you wake up and you just feel differently .
I 'm so thankful to God for that which was taken away has been replaced, my 'Good' plans replaced with God's 'Best' plans for me! And in all things I know there's indeed the almighty one who is always there for me despite how hard things may get and loves me unconditionally so I say to him THANK YOU LORD much gratitude !
Note to self today : my Dear lovely self ,enjoy each day that you are given ,sometimes a praise  or restart is necessary. It might be hard but don't ever feel guilty about changing for the better ,keep in mind your light may not warm everyone 's soul and it may leave some blinded by your truth....Happiness isn't getting all you want ,its enjoying all you have ,start every day with a new Hope, leave bad memories behind ,speak positively into your life ,speak your joy into existence . Have faith for a better tomorrow ..............with God by my side am unstoppable ....cheers to another year seriously when I look back from where I started I can boldly conclude that 'my life has a definition of God's Grace' ...... Happy birthday to myself.

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