Sunday, February 1, 2015

Boko Haram launch new assault on Maiduguri this morning

These insurgents have been trying to capture
this town for a while now. There are reports of a
fresh attack on the city of Maiduguri, in Borno by
Boko Haram militants. According to reports,
armed men stormed the city in the early hours of
today, trying to enter Maiduguri through a
suburb community called Dalwa. Loud gun fire is
being heard on the streets of the northern city as
many residents flee.
Al Jazeera's Ahmed Idriss, said people were
fleeing the south, but also moving into Maiduguri
from the surrounding areas, fearing fresh attacks
from other directions.
"The fighting started at about 2:00am. The
military also says it is deploying large
numbers of troops to the north of the city
as this could be a ploy or diversion by
Boko Haram," Idriss said
Idriss added the attack could be an attempt by
the group to "prove a point" following recent
successes by multinational forces fighting Boko
Haram in Chad and Cameroon.

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